Community calendar | |
Announcements, cancellations and postponements
Christ Episcopal Church in Forest City announces that it will re-open its monthly free community luncheon program, beginning Aug. 21. Food will be served between noon and 1 p.m. at the church on the corner of Delaware and Dundaff streets. All are welcome.
Browndale Fire Company holding a gun or cash raffle through the month of August. The winning number will be the 3-digit lottery number of the first drawing of the evening state lottery number. $25 donation per ticket. Tickets are available from any Browndale Fire Company member or by calling 570-785-5300.
Dickson City’s Eagle Hose Co. No. 1 fund drive is currently underway.
For more information, call the fire station at 570-383-0923.
Christ Episcopal Church, corner of Dunmore and Delaware streets, Forest City, has reopened. Services will be held at 9 a.m. every Sunday. COVID-19 guidelines remain in effect.
Ben Franklin High School Class of 1970 50th reunion is rescheduled for 6 to 11 p.m. on Sept. 18 at Genetti Manor in Dickson City. Classmates who haven’t yet made a reservation should call Terry Pidgeon at 570-780-8117.
Valley View Class of 1980 will be holding their previously cancelled 40th reunion on Sept. 18 at Archbald AC Field, 183 Harrison St., beginning at 1 p.m. The cost is $35 per person, includes a light lunch and dinner buffet, entertainment and use of venue. BYOB. RSVP by Aug. 28. Make check payable to: Valley View Class of 1980, c/o PO Box 112, Peckville, PA 18452. If you have any questions, call 570-702-5908.
The Forest City Class of 1976 will be conducting a 45-year class reunion on
Oct. 10. Members should contact Juliann Nagoda Doyle at 570-499-4908 or
[email protected] for details.
The Forest City Class of 1971 will have a class reunion on Sept. 3 from 5-11 p.m. at the Anthracite Hotel, Carbondale. Deadline to RSVP is Aug. 15. Email [email protected] or call 570-209-0510.
Mid Valley High School Class of ‘71 will be having their 50-year reunion from 6 to 11 p.m. Sept. 3 at Happy Valley Sports Bar, 516 Storrs St., Dickson City. There will be a buffet, open bar from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by a cash bar, and entertainment by DJ Edwin Velez. Invitations have been sent. Please respond by July 31.
Mid Valley High School Class of ‘70 will hold their 50th reunion at 5:30 p.m. Sept 4 at the Jessup VFW, 205 Dolph St. Any class members who have not responded and plan to attend, please respond to 570-945-0137 or 570-780-3095 before July 31.
Laikeland High School Class of ‘70 needs RSVPs on mailing sent for the previously postponed 50th class reunion to be held at Anthracite Hotel, 25 S. Main St., Carbondale on Aug. 7. Deadline for response is July 7; please call
Columbia Hose Co. No. 5, Carbondale, recently sent mailings for financial support. The volunteers receive no financial support from the city and depends on donations to equip and train firefighters and maintain their building and training facility. Members would like to thank Pleasant Mount Welding; Brian Kelly, CPA; NEP Tax and Accounting; Dr. Donna Buracewski; Price Insurance Agency; Dr. Neal Davis; Metal Integrity; Foliage Restaurant, Ben Mar Restaurant and the Family Pharmacy of Carbondale for their support. Donations can be sent to Columbia Hose Co, 83 S. Main St., Carbondale, PA 18407.
Freedom Fighter Memorial pavers are available now. Ground will be broken soon on a beautiful site provided by Olyphant Borough, which will not only commemorate the desert soldier but veterans of all ages.Pavers will be engraved in the next few weeks. Applications for pavers available on the borough building’s bulletin board or call Kim at 570-383-9552 or 570-892-0378.
Dickson City Fire Department is accepting applications for membership for junior members ages 14-17 and regular members ages 18 and up. No experience is needed, training will be provided. For more information, message the department on their Facebook page.
Captains of St. John’s 300 Club of St. John’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Mayfield, have announced that new membership cards for the next session of this fundraising club are now available. The next session will begin in August and continue for 26 weeks. To join the next club, send your name, address and payment of $25 to St. John’s Rectory, 706 Hill Street, Mayfield, PA 18433. Membership cards will be sent upon receipt of payment. Membership includes eligibility for 26 weeks of drawings, a final drawing and meal on a date to be determined. For more information, call St. John’s Rectory at 570-876-0730.
The Valley Community Library is partnering with TerraCycle for a special End of the School Year Recycling Drive to help recycle old school, office and home supplies. The Library’s goal is to save 10 pounds of pens, mechanical pencils, markers, watercolors and empty glue sticks from going into our landfill. Items can be dropped off at the library during normal business hours until June 30. Any brand of the following items is accepted: empty writing instruments, glue sticks, watercolor dispensers, paint sets and flexible packaging. Items that will not accepted include liquid paper or white out, felt-tipped pens, felt-tipped markers and crayons. There is no limit to how much you can bring to be recycled at the library, but please make sure your donations are dry and empty of ink so they do not leak.
Wilson Fire Co. No. 1, Peckville, is continuing their annual drive for funds. Second mailings were sent to all residents and businesses in Blakely that inadvertently missed our first mailing. Return envelopes were included in the mailings for the convenience of the donors. All proceeds are used for maintenance of the fire company and to help defray the mortgages on both trucks.
The Bread Basket of NEPA operates two food pantries in the area. The Jessup pantry is open from 3 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday at St. Michael’s Church, 316 First Ave The Archbald pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon every Tuesday at Christ the King Parish, 411 Church St. Clients can visit the pantry once a month; they should bring identification. For more information, call 570-343-2324.
Rail-Trail Council of NEPA hosts Walking Mondays at 10 a.m. every Monday morning. Meet at Rail-Trail Office in Union Dale. Check Facebook or, for last minute scheduling of special events The Rail-Trail Council is also launching their Summer Ready Virtual Challenge, through May 31. Challenge yourself to bike 100 miles or walk/hike 50 miles. Certificates and stickers awarded. Turn in your stats with your name, address/email and age to [email protected]. Donation is appreciated, but not required. Any money raised will offset the maintenance and improvement on the trail.
Library night with the Railriders: 7:05 p.m., PNC Field, 235 Montage Mountain Road, Moosic. Benefits the Carbondale Public Library. Field reserved seats, $15 each. Available at the library, 5 N. Main St., prior to the game.
Farmers market: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Merli Sarnowski Park, 286 Sandy Banks Road, Carbondale. Learn more about the new Carbondale market; attendees receive $5 in farmers market bucks.
Andrew Mazza Diesel Jam 2021: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Circle Drive-in in Dickson City. Supports The Andrew Mazza Foundation, the diesel truck technology program at Johnson College and scholarships for Johnson
College and high school students. Featuring a diesel, gas and antique truck show, mobile dyno runs, industry vendors, apparel vendors, food vendors, live entertainment and more. Rain or shine, family friendly.
Historical society meeting: 6 p.m., Forest City Area Historical Society headquarters, Dundaff and Main streets. The FCAHS is now accepting applications for 2021 membership and membership renewals for 2021. $15/individual, $25/family, $125/lifetime. To join, call Juliann Doyle, membership chair, at 570-499-4908, by e-mail at: [email protected]. For more information, visit
Monthly meeting: 2 p.m., Northeastern Detachment Marine Corps League and Museum monthly meeting, Alder Street in Scranton.
Bingo: Doors open at 5 p.m., kitchen opens at 5:30 p.m., early bird games begin at 6:30, Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, 625 Dundaff St., Dickson City. Bingo will take place every Monday.
JULY 15-17
Pop up DVD sale: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 15 and 16, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 17, Valley Community Library, 739 River St., Peckville. DVDs, Blu-Rays, CDs, audiobooks and more available for purchase. No fiction or non-fiction books will be available. For more information, contact the library at 570-489-1765.
JULY 16-17
Corn and clam slam: William Walker Hose Company grounds, 803 Penn Ave., Mayfield. 4 p.m. to midnight, July 16; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 17, chicken takeout; 5 p.m. to 12 a.m., food and beverage stands open; 6 p.m., parade; 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., live music by QBall. Barbecue tickets available from members, Mayfield borough office or by calling 570-282-6059.
JULY 17-18
Food truck festival: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day, St. Cyril’s Church, 207 River Street, Olyphant. Food trucks will include trucks:Grumpy Crab, BellaRose, FonDippity, Murts Diner Truck, 2 Ways/One Passion, Roseanna’s Pizza, Lou’s Funnel Cakes, Murts Desserts and Udder Delights. The festival will also feature Case Quattro and Capra Collina wineries, indoor bingo, children’s games, balloons, raffles, a DJ and craft vendors.
Archbald Community Day: 1 to 4 p.m., Gravity Slope Oil House, next to the Lackawanna Heritage Valley Laurel Street Trail head. Oil house tours by Archbald Historic Society; pet portraits by Accent Photography and Design for donations of cash or pet items to Laura’s Hope; crafts for kids, vendors, food and more.
Chicken and biscuit dinner: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Clifford United Methodist Church, Main Street. Take out only. $10 per dinner. Includes chicken, biscuit, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and beets.
Community dinner: noon to 1 p.m., Trinity Episcopal Church, 58 River St., Carbondale. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call 570-282-3620.
Chicken barbecue: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Shopa-Davey VFW Post 6082, 123 Electric St. Peckville. Tickets, $11 each, available from a member or at the door.
Life-Line screening: St. John’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral, 706 Hill St., Mayfield. Advanced ultrasound technology to screen for plaque build up in your arteries. Pre-registration is required. Call 1-888-653-6450.
Poker run: 10 a.m., M & M Auto in Vandling. Entry fee is $25, non-riding players, $10. Ride begins at noon and will visit Jake’s Tavern, Arlo’s, Chet’s Place, Frank’s Place, Simpler Times, The Beacon and The Stonehouse. Ride ends with entertainment, food and more at Mountain View Restaurant in Clifford. Prizes for best hand and worst hand. Benefits Greater Forest City Business Alliance. For information and sponsorship opportunities, email [email protected].
AUG. 1
Revolutionary War soldier dedication: 1 p.m., First Primitive Methodist Church Cemetery, 500 Scott Road, Dickson City. Hosted by The Scranton City Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution. Ceremony will honor Private Timothy Stevens, who served in Westchester, New York in the latter half of 1776, as well Connecticut. Stevens was the first settler of Blakely Township in 1786. That township later became Dickson City.
AUG. 7
Chicken barbecue: noon to 3 p.m., Throop Hose Company No. 1, 512 Center St. Takeout only, $10 each. Tickets available from all members or by calling Dave Benson at 570-383-1019. All members and auxiliary are asked to bake. Baked goods can be dropped off at the Hose Co. Hall on the morning of Aug. 7.
AUG. 21
Golf Tournament: Rock Creek Golf Course in Nicholson, organized by Crystal Fire Company No. 1. Entry fee is $80 per player and includes green fees, cart, refreshments awards dinner and prizes. Format is four person captain and crew with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. Entries will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Registration is limited to the first 88 golfers. Prizes will be awarded for closest to the pin, longest drives, and 50/50 Pot of Gold, as well as other prize opportunities.The awards dinner will immediately follow the tournament at Rock Creek Golf Course. Hole sponsorships are available at the cost of $75. For more information, call Dave Flynn at 570-840-6219, Brandon Allan at 570-290-1380 or James Allan at 570-906-9266.
The Throop mayor requests all letters sent to him concerning issues in the borough be signed by the property owner.
Archbald recycling changes: Due to the high volume of recycling in the borough, officials will make the following changes. Monday pickup: Maria Boulevard, White Birch Drive, West Church Street (lower hills), Knob Hill Drive, Oak Hill Drive, Crystal Circle, Hyland Hill Drive, Pierce Ave, First Street, Second Street, Third Street, Fourth Street, Mill Street, Webster Court, West Street (200 and 300 blocks), West Church Street (Eynon), Circle Drive, Diane Street, Riverside Street, Yavorek Drive, Celli Drive, Amy Road, George Avenue and Vincent Avenue. Tuesday pickup: Wisteria Lane, Delaware Street (Archbald), Monroe Street (120,122,124), Main Street North and South (Archbald) excluding the block between Line Street and West Filbert Street (174 to 214 Main), Falcone Lane, Foxtail Circle, Golden Gate, Osprey Lane, Rockledge Drive and Shadow Wood Circle.
Archbald tax payments: Archbald Borough residents 2021 tax payments can be mailed in or paid at Archbald Borough Building, 400 Church St., Archbald PA 18403. Tax office hours are Monday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Tuesday, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Greenfield tax payments: Until further notice, Greenfield Township property tax remittance for year 2021 is limited to mail in or drop box only.
Jessup tax payments: Because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, residents should mail in 2021 Jessup tax payments to Genevieve Lupini, Tax Collector, 395 Lane Street, Jessup. Residents can also drop off tax payments in the locked mailbox at the rear of the borough building.
Broom sale: Sponsored by the Mayfield Lions Club, at the borough building.
Used eyeglasses are also collected at the same location. For more information,
call 570-876-4391.
Weekly pierogie sales: All Saints Orthodox Church, 211 Willow Ave., Olyphant, sells frozen pierogies every Friday, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and every Sunday, 10:30-11:30 a.m. The cost is $6.50 per dozen. For more information, call 570-383-0785 or 570-489-5591.