St Helens Council: Planning applications week beginning April 26
Planning applications received and decided by St Helens Council
The list of received applications can be found below.
- Two storey extension to the rear and side of 5 Carnoustie Grove, Haydock St, St Helens, Merseyside.
- New detached outbuilding in the rear garden of 17 Siding Lane, Rainford, St Helens, Merseyside, to facilitate a home gym, bar and office.
- Single storey rear extension at 6 Heyes Mount, Rainhill, St Helens, Merseyside, together with a first floor front extension along with a front porch.
- Single storey side and rear wraparound extension at 145 The Shires, St Helens, Merseyside.
- Single storey rear extension at 46 Sherdley Park Drive, St Helens.
- Part two storey /part single storey side and rear extensions at 23 Pike Place, Eccleston, St Helens, Merseyside.
- Single storey side and rear wrap around extension at 40 South Street, Thatto Heath, St Helens, Merseyside.
- Relocation of a 2m-high garden boundary wall at 21 Heatherleigh, Rainhill, to incorporate a strip of land at the side within the garden following removal of a laurel hedge.
- Two storey front extension and a single storey rear extension at Tarn Cottage, 2 Mere Road, Newton Le Willows, St Helens, Merseyside, including alterations to the garage and external alterations.
- New detached garage and workshop at Willow Farm Cottage, Twyford Lane, Widnes, Halton, Merseyside.
- Construction of a 5.5m-high acoustic absorptive screen around the filter housing on the VSA plant at Knauf Insulation, Stafford Road, St Helens, Merseyside.
- Two storey side extension with a porch at 18 Myrtle Avenue, Haydock, St Helens, Merseyside.
- Single storey rear extension at 304 Earle Street, Newton Le Willows.
- First floor rear extension at 132 Hinckley Road, St Helens, Merseyside.
- Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order to fell two beech trees on woodland at Springfield Gate, Green Lane, Eccleston, Merseyside.
- Single storey extension to the rear of 6 Valley View, Newton Le Willows.
- Demolition of a conservatory at 74 Freckleton Road, St Helens, and the construction of a single storey rear extension and alterations to the roof of the existing two storey flat roof extension.
- Change of use of the former vacant bank building at 6-8 Bridge Street, Newton Le Willows, into a retail unit and five one-bedroom apartments and elevation changes.
- Erection of a pitched roof to the previous single storey rear extension at 78 Broadway, Eccleston, including alteration to the external opening.
- Two storey side, and a single storey front extension at 17 Brookside Avenue, Eccleston.
- Conversion of the existing garage into living accommodation at 59 Covington Drive, St Helens, along with a double front driveway.
- Proposed single storey side extension at 125 Queens Drive, Newton Le Willows, along with a new porch and bay window to the front elevation.
- Erection of a garden room at Rainhill High School Media Arts College, Warrington Road, Rainhill.
- Single storey front and side extensions to the church hall at Christ Church, West End Road, Haydock, along with a new entrance and external alterations.
Recently decided planning applications for the same period
- Single storey rear extension at 32 Alfred Street, St Helens, projecting 4m from the rear, 3m in height and 2.50m to the eaves. Status: Approval Not Required.
- Non-material amendment to an approved application for 22 Queens Drive, Newton Le Willows, (Ref: P/2020/0125/HHFP) for alterations to windows and doors with the addition of a Juliette balcony to the first floor rear. Status: Granted.
- Single storey rear extension at 41 Springfield Park, Haydock, St Helens. Status: Granted.
- Two storey side extension at 10 Lingmell Avenue, St Helens. Status: Granted.
- Consent to replace signage on land at the Junction of Haydock Lane, East Lancashire Road, Haydock,to display a double-sided internally illuminated pole-mounted sign. Status: Refused.
- First floor side extension at 83 Cavan Drive, Haydock. Status: Granted.
- Demolition of a single storey rear extension at 321 Garswood Road, Ashton In Makerfield, St Helens, Merseyside, along with replacement of a new single storey rear. Status: Granted.
- Consent to display an internally-illuminated fascia sign at Ravenhead Retail Park, 11 Milverny Way, St Helens. Status: Granted.
- Installation of a bay window on the ground floor of 20 Whinchat Avenue, Newton Le Willows, with an extended pitched canopy and first floor window to the side elevation. Status: Granted.
- Two storey rear extension at 18 Darent Road, Haydock. Status: Granted.
- Two storey side extension at 24 Crocketts Walk, Eccleston, together with adjoining existing garage and replacement of the existing pitched roof to the rear with flat roof and roof lanterns. Status: Granted.
- Resubmission of an application for 541 Warrington Road, Rainhill, (Ref: P/2020/0857/HHFP) for the demolition of the existing conservatory and erection of a part two storey, part single storey rear extension. Status: Granted.
- Demolition of an attached garage at 7 Wedge Avenue, Haydock, together with construction of a replacement detached garage and single storey rear extension. Status: Granted.
- Proposed dropped kerb onto a classified road at 132 Marshalls Cross Road, St Helens. Status: Granted.
- Erection of front and side boundary walls at 1 Blind Foot Cottage, Blindfoot Road, Rainford, and gate following removal of the existing boundary hedge. Status: Withdrawn.
- Part single part two storey side extension at 68 Windermere Avenue, St Helens, Merseyside. Status: Granted.
- Installation of two electric vehicle charging stations at 100 St Helens, Linkway, St Helens. Status: Granted.
- Hip to gable conversion with a rear dormer at 6 Standring Gardens, Grange Park, St Helens, Merseyside, including demolition of a detached garage and construction of a single storey rear outbuilding to form a garage and sunroom. Status: Granted.
- Construction of a new dwelling on land next to 99 Scholes Lane, Thatto Heath, St Helens. Status: Granted.
- Discharge of conditions on an approved planning application for Mersey Valley Golf Clubhouse, Warrington Road, Bold Heath, Merseyside (Ref: P/2019/0309/FUL).
The conditions relate to access layout, highway improvements, method statement/risk assessments, landscaping detail and gate detail. Status: Granted. - Change of use from a community hub to a shop at 116 Pocket Nook Street, St Helens. Status: Withdrawn.
- New stable block for six horses with tack and feed rooms at Hey Field Farm, Garswood Old Road, Ashton In Makerfield, and construction of an all-weather riding surface along with landscaping. Status: Refused.
- Single storey rear extension at 18 Pimbo Road, Kings Moss, St Helens, along with a rear Juliette balcony in an existing window opening. Status: Granted.
- Change of use of the first floor of Riddling Rack, 131 And 131A, High Street, Newton Le Willows, from residential to beauty salon and office; change of use of ground floor of 131 and 131A High Street from a wine bar to mixed use wine bar; commercial kitchen with new extractor system, wine shop with new side entrance door and canopy along with alterations to the outdoor seating area to include new front awning and screens. Status: Granted.
- Amendment to the location of parking space/driveway at 29 The Spires, Eccleston, in relation to a planning application (Ref: P/2019/0317/HHFP). Status: Granted.
- Variation of Conditions relating to a planning application for Vulcan Village Phase 4, Wargrave Road, Newton Le Willows (Ref: P/2019/0217/FUL).
The conditions relate to Approved Plans, noise and acoustic, Method Statement, Highways Improvements, Drainage Scheme, Drainage Management and Maintenance, Boundary Treatment and Permitted Development Rights. Status: Granted. - Change of use from C3 to C2 – a residential institution at Treetops, The Spinney, Rainford, along with a garage conversion, external alterations, creation of a bin store and landscaping works. Status: Granted.
- Discharge of conditions relating to cladding colour and method statement for an approved application for Crown Buildings, 63 College Street, St Helens (Ref: P/2020/0383/FUL). Status: Granted.
- Non-material amendment on an approved application for Vulcan Village Phase 4, Wargrave Road, Newton Le Willows (Ref: P/2019/0217/FUL). The amendments are to change the design and elevations of house types on plots 439, 445, 452, 453, 459 and 487. Status: Granted.
- Works to trees protected by a tree preservation order at Ship Inn, 804 Warrington Road, Rainhill, to remove a sycamore and prune back remaining trees. Status: Granted.
- Discharge of conditions for an approved application for land at Portland Centre, Sutton Road, St Helens, relating to Intrusive Site Investigations, Phase II Site Investigation and Breeding Birds (Ref: P/2018/0646/FUL). Status: Withdrawn.
- Demolition of a public house and the construction of 15 apartments at The Former Railway Hotel, Railway Street, Newton Le Willows, together with associated landscaping and parking. Status: Granted.
- Demolition of a large shed building at 116 Wargrave Road, Newton Le Willows, and construction of two three bedroom apartments. Status: Refused.
- Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of eight semi-detached dwellings at Greenalls Sports and Social Club, 42 Alder Hey Road, Eccleston, including the formation of a new access. Status: Granted.
- Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of four semi-detached dwellings and one detached dwelling at Greenalls Sports And Social Club, 42 Alder Hey Road, Eccleston with new access and layout. Status: Granted.
- Extension of an existing B8 use class warehouse at 50 Abbotsfield Road, Bold, St Helens, Merseyside, with matching cladding. Status: Granted.