Cheshire West and Cheshire Council: Planning applications for week commencing March 15
The full list of planning applications can be seen below.
- Ten metre light pole (ONEA72270216 – WC6CG74T). O/S. 137 Runcorn Road, Barnton, Northwich, Cheshire
- Change of use from financial and professional services to hotel accommodation (Use Class C1) and alterations to create en-suites. Moray House 66 Watergate Street Chester CH1 2LA
- Tree works at The Old Stables, Agden Cour,t Old Hall Street, Agden, Malpas
- Erection of 15 new poles along Chapel Lane. Chapel Lane, Chester
- Installation of fixed-line broadband apparatus (Ref: BDK872LV). Oak Lodge, Ship Street, Frodsham
- New poles (Ref: Id: WC5TN88Y FOR THE PON FEH_V8035) O/S. 31 and 41 Princeway, Frodsham
- Demolition of vacant day nursery and construction of seven dwellings. Pipers Private Day Nursery, Alder Grove, Chester
- Change of use to cafe/tea shop and take away. 49 Garden Lane, Chester
- Conversion of agricultural building to a residential unit. Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Kelsall
- Construction of a garden room. 25 Bartholomew Way, Chester
- Conversion of redundant agricultural building to one residential unit and garage (retrospective). Green Lane Farm, Barn Green Lane, Kelsall, Chester
- Single storey rear extension. 68 Darwin Street, Northwich
- Construction of single storey rear extension. Croughton House, Croughton Road, Croughton, Chester
- Demolition of derelict chapel and construction of one dwelling. The Methodist Chapel, Chorlton Lane, Chorlton, Malpas
- Single storey rear extension. Armmonlea, 28 Daleside, Upton, Chester
- The construction of a timber summerhouse (retrospective). 2 Old Pale Heights, Stoney Lane, Delamere, Northwich
- Alterations to front porch, single storey rear extension, replacement doors and windows, rendering application. 8 Bramley Walk, Helsby, Frodsham
- Demolition of existing porch, single storey front extension, render to front and side elevation. 4 Landswood Park, Hartford, Northwich
- Two storey side and rear extension and bike store to the front. 35 Sandileigh, Chester
- Replace the existing post and rail fence at the bottom of garden with exact same style post and rail fence and erect the same style post and rail fence between garden and No 47 The Courtyard. 46 The Courtyard, Bostock Hall, Bostock Road, Bostock, Middlewich
- Change the use of building from agricultural to industrial (B2) use for coffee roastery> Land At Caldwells Gate Lane, Antrobus, Northwich
- Application under Section 191 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to confirm lawfuless of previous applications. Grange House Day Nursery, Smithy Lane, Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port
- Single storey rear extension. 19 Glenmaye Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port
- Replacement dwelling. 92 Hoole Road, Chester
- Single storey detached building for use as an Office – retrospective. Land To The Rear of 431 Overpool Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port
- Single storey timber shed/Garage. 2 St Pauls Gardens, Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port
- Shop sign. Sandstone House, 79 High Street, Tarporley
- Discharge of conditions five (affordable housing), seven (hard and soft landscaping and levels), 11 (reasonable avoidance measures with regards to Bats and Hedgehogs), 14 (type and location of Herras fencing to deter Badgers from entering the site), 15 (updated Badger Survey with mitigation plan and method statements), 16 (habitat mitigation plan), 18 (details of tree pits) 21 (demolition and construction traffic), 22 (highway works), 26 (surface water drainage), 27 (noise mitigation scheme), 30 (site office and construction compound), 31 (piling and subsurface vibration works) and 34 (contamination) of planning permission 17/00619/OUT. Grange Yard, Grange Lane, Winsford
- Conversion of existing garage into an annex and conversion of attic into two bedrooms. Salt Springs, 8 Rilshaw Lane, Winsford
- Single storey extension to rear. 34 St Georges Crescent, Waverton, Chester
- Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of a single storey rear extension. 11 Silverdale Close, Frodsham
The following applications were decided during this period.
- Ten metre light pole (ONEA72270216 – WC6CG74T) O/S. 137 Runcorn Road, Barnton, Northwich. Notification Closed
- Erection of 15 new poles along Chapel Lane. Chapel Lane, Chester. Notification Closed
- Installation of fixed-line broadband apparatus (Ref: BDK872LV). Oak Lodge, Ship Street, Frodsham. Notification Closed
- New poles (Ref: Id: WC5TN88Y FOR THE PON FEH_V8035) O/S. 31 and 41 Princeway, Frodsham. Notification Closed
- Provide confirmation that all obligations of the following Section 106 agreements have been met – 2001/102/CE/170_S106 and 14/00041/OUT_S106. 14 Carson Avenue, Ellesmere Port. Application Closed
- Discharge of condition four (highway works) on planning permission 20/01790/FUL. Excellent Hand Car Wash And Valeting Centre, Hartford Way, Chester. Application permitted
- Create access for cattle, reducing mud depths in winter, improving animal welfare and reducing diffuse pollution to watercourses. The Grange, Warrington Road, Mickle Trafford, Chester. Prior Approval not required
- Demolition of the former changing pavilion. Coronation Playing Field, Canadian Avenue, Chester. Prior Approval not required
- Map and tenant listings for customers and delivery drivers. Chester West Employment Park, Sealand Road, Chester. Application permitted
- Tree works at The Moorings, Boathouse Lane, Parkgate, Neston. Application refused
- Tree works at 6 Grenfell Close, Parkgate, Neston. Application permitted
- Tree works at 513 London Road, Davenham, Northwich. Notification Closed
- Single storey rear extension. 4 Breen Close, Tattenhall, Chester. Application permitted
- Tree works at Pinecroft, 20 Cumbers Drive, Ness, Neston. Application permitted
- Tree works at 1A Earles Lane, Kelsall, Chester. Application permitted
- Tree works at 133 Saughall Road, Chester. Application permitted
- Tree works at 38 Vine Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port. Application permitted
- Tree works at Friars House, Commonhall Street, Chester. Application permitted
- Tree works at Land Rear of 37 Coventry Avenue, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port. Application permitted
- Variation of condition three of planning permission 19/01167/FUL for the occupation of four young adults between the ages of eight to 19 at any one time. Rose Bank, Guy Lane, Foulk, Stapleford, Chester. Application permitted
- Single storey rear extension. 6 Wyndham Close, Northwich. Application permitted
- Tree works at 20 Bailey Bridge Close, Chester. Application permitted
- Discharge of condition 30 (materials) of 17/02582/OUT for B2/B8 General Industrial / Storage or Distribution development. Land At North Road, Ellesmere Port. Application permitted
- Tree works at 6 Cedar Grove, Chester. Application permitted
- Tree works at Ainsgarth, 12 Albert Drive, Neston. Application permitted
- Tree works at Leighton Banastre, The Parade, Parkgate, Neston. Application permitted
- Tree works at 10 Cedar Park, Great Boughton, Chester. Application refused
- Tree works at 3 Warren Court, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port. Application permitted
- Tree works at Vale Royal Abbey Golf Club, Vale Royal Drive, Whitegate, Winsford. Application permitted
- Map and tenant listings for customers and delivery drivers (Sign B). Chester West Employment Park, Sealand Road, Chester. Application permitted
- Two storey rear extension. 27 Lower Field Road, Chester. Application permitted
- Tree works at 3 Threeways, Cuddington, Northwich. Application permitted
- Additional storey to existing detached dwelling house. 8 Beech Hey Lane, Willaston, Neston. Application withdrawn
- Tree works at The Beeches, 5 Earles Lane, Kelsall, Chester. Application permitted
- Alteration and change of use of existing buildings to form up to six dwellings together with demolition works and associated infrastructure works including installation of drainage and hard and soft landscaping. Gun Park, Chapel House Lane, Puddington, Chester. Application refused
- Discharge of conditions three (materials) and seven (tree protection plan) of planning permission 19/02500/FUL. Land Adjacent 11B The Crescent, Hartford, Northwich. Application permitted
- Single storey rear extension. 60 Ballater Crescent, Great Boughton, Chester. Application permitted
- Discharge of condition four (landscaping) of planning permission 19/02212/FUL. Boat Museum, South Pier Road, Ellesmere Port. Application permitted
- Single storey side extension. Heath Worthy Street, Hey Lane, Willaston, Neston. Application permitted
- Conversion of agricultural building into four residential units including landscaping,car parking and bin storage. Demolition of existing single storey extension and replacement with two-storey front extension and single storey side extension (amendment to 19/02937/FUL). Land At Lyndale Farm, Wrexham Road, Pulford, Chester. Application permitted
- Alterations to rear steps and formation of access deck. Waters Edge, 12 Dee Banks, Great Boughton, Chester. Application permitted
- Single storey side extension and wall. 1 Hill Top Road, Dutton, Northwich. Application permitted
- Single storey front extension. 11 Old Hall Court, Ashton Hayes, Chester. Application permitted
- Replace existing green synthetic turf surface system and shockpad underlay with new synthetic turf surface with a blue coloured playing area and green coloured run offs and new shockpad underlay. The Kings School, Wrexham Road, Chester. Application permitted
- Replacement of existing timber garden shed with new summer house/ shed. 22 Bramhalls Park, Anderton With Marbury, Northwich. Application permitted
- Replacement dwelling and detached garage. Land At Stone Cottage, Guy Lane,Foulk Stapleford, Chester. Application permitted
- Variation of conditions two (plans) and three (materials) of planning permission 17/04761/FUL. Overston, Quarry Road, Neston. Application permitted
- Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of a single storey rear extension. 23 Sunningdale Close, Winsford. Application permitted
- Repair works to front elevation. 55 Bridge Street, Chester. Application permitted
- Replacement windows and doors. 17 Hough Green, Chester. Application permitted
- Single storey rear extension. 3 Breen Close, Tattenhall, Chester. Application permitted
- Conversion of existing garage, alterations to replace doors with windows, erection of detached double garage. 12 Landswood Park, Hartford, Northwich. Application permitted
- Construction of a forestry storage building and stables for personal use. Crowmere House, Dobers Lane, Frodsham. Application permitted
- Construction of wooden greenhouse in front garden. 27 Curzon Park, North Chester. Application refused
- Construction of single storey rear extension and detached garage. 31 Mere Crescent, Oakmere, Northwich. Application permitted
- Variation of condition four (approved plans)
on 19/01429/OUT (Allowed on Appeal APP/A0665/W/19/3232921). Hanns Hall Livery, Hanns Hall Road, Neston. Application permitted - Approval of reserved matters following outline application 20/04318/S73 for 6 dwellings. Hanns Hall Livery, Hanns Hall Road, Neston. Application permitted
- Discharge of conditions three (landscaping), four (boundary treatments) and five (bat boxes) of planning permission 19/00995/FUL. Hartford House Yard, Adjacent 39 – 43 School Lane, Hartford, Northwich. Application permitted
- Single storey orangery extension to side elevation. Street House, Chester Road, Kelsall. Application permitted
- Demolition of equestrian building and construction of two dwellings with associated infrastructure and parking. The Stables, Duckington Lane, Tilston. Malpas. Application refused
- Replace wooden single glazed sash windows with uvpc double glazed sash windows. 10 Browns Lane, Chester. Application permitted
- Two storey side and single storey rear extension. 14 Anglesey Close, Ellesmere Port. Application refused
- Construction of storage building for the secure storage of antiques. 34 Spital Walk, Chester. Application permitted
- Discharge of conditions two (visibility splays) and 11 (remediation) on 19/01043/S73. Land At Highlander Road, Huntington, Chester. Application permitted
- Removal of existing garage, and construction of a single storey side and rear extension. 5 Mather Drive, Comberbach, Northwich. Application permitted
- Part two storey, part single storey rear extension. Glenfield, 215 Chester Road, Hartford, Northwich. Application permitted
- Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a replacement dwelling. Perrywood, Neston Road, Burton, Neston. Application permitted
- Construction of detached garage. Orchard House, Wrexham Road, Pulford, Chester. Application refused
- Single storey front and side extension, single storey rear extension. Raising of existing roof to create a first floor. 63 Vincent Drive, Chester. Application permitted
- Demolition of existing surplus buildings and construction of seven dwellings and the change of use of an existing retail building to a children’s day nursery. Glenbrittle Kennels, Chester High Road, Neston. Application refused
- Outline planning application for seven dwellings. Land At Ring Road, Great Boughton, Chester. Application permitted
- Two storey extension to side, first floor extension to rear and alterations. Chapel House, Eaton Lane, Eaton, Tarporley. Application permitted
- Construction of a detached dwelling. Land At 35 Park Road West, Chester. Application permitted
- Discharge of conditions three (materials), four (construction traffic plan), eight (piling/vibration monitoring and environmental controls), nine and ten ( Noise) 12 (drainage), 13 (groundwork’s method statement) 14 (programme of archaeological works) and 15 (land contamination) of planning permission 17/04329/S73 Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) on Planning Application 17/02631/FUL (Demolition of warehouse and construction of four storey building for eight apartments with car parking, bin store, associated ground and landscape works). Land At Volunteer Street Chester. Application permitted
The full list of applications can be viewed here